Sunday, September 16, 2012

One Lesson Learned... The Hard Way.

Winter is coming...

First of all, I hail from the tropics. "Cold" for people here is probably "aah-I-can't-breathe-cold" for me.  Anyway, I find myself living in a dormitory/apartment, whatever you want to call it.  Seven males and females share 1 bathroom (only for bathing; each room has a toilet).  Unfortunately, my room is inconveniently located at the opposite end of the hallway.

On one very cold morning, I learned a lesson I will not soon forget.

It's not even winter yet. x_x

It was a Saturday, if I remember correctly. We were supposed to go out early in the morning to see some places here in the Netherlands. My alarm goes off and I press snooze again. After 9 minutes, I get out of bed. I slept a little late the night before so I feel a bit like a zombie. Anyway, I go to my toilet. Take a piss. Look at myself in the mirror (eyes look like slits). Go to cabinet. Get undies, shirt and pants. Get soap and shampoo. And off I go to the bathroom. The moment I get there, I turn on the heater. Then, I proceed to take a nice warm bath. But... I forgot one crucial thing.

Try to read the previous paragraph again and see if you can find out. :P


I forgot my towel.

The funny thing about the weather here is that even though it may be 18°C throughout the day, weather during the evening and early morning can drop to single digits. Thus, the mistake of forgetting my towel is indeed a grave one. I only realize this after I was done taking a bath. Facing the grueling cold, I only had 2 options:

1. Use the dirty clothes to dry myself.
2. Rambo naked through the hallway and hope everyone else is still asleep.

These are probably the only two sensible options given the situation but my genius brain came up with a very bright idea.

"Why don't we just wait for the water to evaporate here in the cubicle?"

And wait for the water to evaporate I did, all the while shivering and rubbing my hands to fight the cold; pissed at the fact that I got a room far away from the bathroom, pissed at myself for forgetting the towel, pissed at global warming for causing extreme weather. Never in my life have I thought that a heater was so useless as my toes and fingers start go numb and the cold pounding through my head.

I guess lessons learned best are those learned the hard way because after the incident, never again did I forget my towel.

P.S. pics not mine.

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